Mr. Edward Windsor

As President of Team Wessex, I thought it was high time to give my Prince Edward site a make-over. It is, after all, the new millennium, and a new look for this website is overdue. At least in my eyes.

Aside from the new look, I'll be updating some essays, adding more information (along with a few surprises!), and totally changing the site. Please stay tuned...and take a look around.


6 May 2000: Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of Wessex will be visiting Prince Edward Island, Canada, from July 14-16 of this year and yours truly, the President of Team Wessex will be on hand to witness the whole visit! Coming to WS after the trip is over: a first-hand account of my entire trip (written by me of course, grin), as well as pictures from the trip, which, if I have any say in the matter will include photos of Edward and Sophie. I would include it all here and/or on the new Sophie biography site, but I decided it would be best to just put it on the main WS site.



It is my essays that are the foundation of Windsor Street. This site is part of WS, and therefore, the essays on this site are the foundation of this site.

It's not rocket science...and biographical information, like the tidbits listed above, is not enough to really get to know a person. Not by a long shot. That's why I read the books and write the essays.

So the people who read the essays can get an idea of who the person I write about really is. And in this case, the person I'm writing about is Edward Windsor, Prince of Great Britain, son of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Edward is my favorite of the British Royals, that's why he got much more attention on my site than any of his relatives. He's a complex man, and is not well-known.

A few people have tried to explain who he is. I've read more than one book on him, and they all fascinate me. The thing with Edward is, there is only one side of the story. His. So all the books pretty much say the same thing.

And that made my job extremely easy. Go figure.

Most of my essays have information that come from "Sophie's Kiss: The Love Story of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones". But some of the newer material, which I plan on putting here sometime in the near future, will be based on (sort of...) what I've read in other books.

Atra once said I had the best damn Edward pages on the web. It was awhile ago, when I was still working on the site. And the site has basically stayed the same ever since.

Until now. And I'm now taking it one step further.

You want to get to know Edward? Read the essays.

They're here for Edward himself. And for Atra. The best of Windsors and the best of sites are getting better.